Vendor Feedback
We pride ourselves on the service we offer to our customers - we are heavily involved in local amateur sport so we try to treat our customers in the way we would expect to be treated. You will get a named, consistent point of contact for your club and a prompt, helpful response to any questions.
You can send any feedback to us - good or bad - via your normal ClubPay point of contact or via the 'Contact Us' option in the 'About' menu.
A recent survey of our customers suggested a typical uplift in revenue of 15-25%, but what do our customers think about us and our services?
- The quality and consistency of the data gathered alone is worth the fee
- ClubPay fees will equate to around 2 memberships per year, but will aid collection of previously uncollected bad debts to an equivalent value of at least 8-10 memberships
- Our Club now collects 90% of several hundred memberships within one month of the request going out
- ClubPay is simple to use and, most critically, allows us to gather member data and payment at the same time
- Frees up approximately three days of my valuable personal time that would normally be taken up with data collation, input and administration
- The clarity and accountability offered by ClubPay helped fend off a members revolt around revenue collection and accounting
- Lets me get on with running a club, not a bank
- I would recommend it to any club who wants to take the headache out of payment collection
- I no longer spend my days at the club with pockets full of notes, coins, cheques and grubby. tattered and often indecipherable membership forms